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Humanware - Brailliant bi 20x & 40x smart braille displays

The Definition of Smart Braille Display:

Humanware - Brailliant 20X and 40X, smart braille displays.

The HumanWare brailliant, 20 X and 40 X smart refreshable braille display, is a revolutionary device that provides online access to a variety of publications, including the NFB-NEWSLINE, book share, nls bard, and many more. It also has a basic text editor and a braille file editor, allowing users to easily take notes on the go.

Hands on the Humanware Brailliant 40X reading the refreshable display.

The device is highly versatile and can be connected to a Windows computer, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and many Android devices. With modern connectivity such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, the device can quickly and easily download software updates and accessible books from the Internet. This makes it ideal for those who need to access information quickly and easily.

Product Features: