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Low Vision International - ML Tab

A Fully Portable and Fully Connected Magnifier

Low Vision International - Magnilink Tab, portable magnifier.

The Magnilink Tab is the most portable and versatile low vision magnifier that Low Vision International has to offer. With its foldable design and movable camera, this low vision magnifier can be used in any circumstance, making it perfect for students on the go and professionals who need to do work outside of the office.

Low Vision International - Magnilink Tab, man carrying the unit in it's case.

The Magnilink Tab comes with the Windows operating system and full access to the Windows Store. This allows the user to install Windows-compatible assistive software, such as Jaws, ZoomText, and Fusion. It also works with the included accessibility suite built-in to Microsoft Windows. This makes it easier for the user to access the tools they need to make their work easier and more efficient.

Product Features: