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Low Vision International - ML Zip Premium

Foldable, Portable and the Perfect Magnification Device for Limited Space

Low Vision International Zip 13 Premium, portable magnifier.

The Magnilink Zip Premium is a simple magnifier designed to make reading easier. It comes in two sizes, a 13 inch variant and a 17 inch variant, and folds up for easy storage. It also comes with a convenient carrying case, making it easy to take with you wherever you go.

Low Vision International - Zip 17 Premium, portable magnifier. A Woman reading a book under the camera.

The Magnilink Zip Premium has a camera that can be adjusted for both distance viewing and near viewing. This makes it ideal for reading documents up close, as well as for viewing objects from a distance. The camera also has a built-in light that helps to make it easier to see in low light conditions.

Product Features: