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Humanware - Explore, Digital Hand Held Magnifiers

The Markets Leading Magnifiers

Humanware - Explore 5, digital hand-held magnifier.

HumanWare's Explorer is a line of handheld magnifiers that come in three different sizes: a 5 inch screen, an 8 inch screen, and the larger 12 inch screen with the optional reading stand. The Explorer five is the smallest, and it has a simple button layout that is easy to use. The Explorer eight and Explorer 12 both have touch screens and simple button layouts. All three models have large, high contrast buttons, as well as full HD cameras.

Humanware - Explore 8, digital hand-held magnifier.

The Explorer five is perfect for those who want a basic magnifier with a simple layout. It is lightweight and can fit easily into a pocket or purse. The Explorer eight and twelve are larger and more powerful, and they are great for those who need a more detailed magnifier. The twelve inch model comes with an optional reading stand, which makes it easier to use for longer periods of time.

Humanware - Explore 12, digital hand-held magnifier being used by a student to look at an exam in class.

The Explorer line of magnifiers is a great choice for those who need a reliable and easy to use magnifier. The different sizes and features make it easy to find the perfect magnifier for any situation. With its large, high contrast buttons and full HD cameras, the Explorer line of magnifiers is sure to provide a clear and detailed view of whatever it is you need to see.

Product Features